William Rosellini

How to Prepare for Investor Board Meetings

Investor board meetings are perhaps the most daunting task that you will face as a business owner. Thankfully, with the right preparations in place, they can become the most effective ways to discuss the future prospects of your business.

Step One: Determine the Purpose

 First and foremost, holding a meeting for the sake of it is a waste of everyone’s time. Therefore, before organizing any investor board meetings, you must think about the needs of the business as well as the desire of the investors.

This type of board meeting is vastly different to an internal meeting or a conference with other companies. Ultimately, a successful investor board meeting should;


  • Inspire trust from the investors.
  • Encourage engagement and enthusiasm from investors.
  • Create a collaborative atmosphere between the company and its backers.
  • Strengthen the relationship between all parties.
  • Deliver clarity on the next steps.

Essentially, the investor board meeting is an opportunity for decision-makers and financial investors to discuss company-wide policies, along with both the current and future of the business.

Step Two: Arrange the Investor Board Meetings

 The logistics of actually arranging the board meeting with investors will cause headaches if you’re unprepared. In most cases, the meetings will be held quarterly or biannually, although additional events may be needed at key moments on your business journey.

Other questions to consider, include;


  • What day and date will the event be held?
  • Will the board meeting be held in-person, via video conferencing, or both?
  • Where will the investor brand meeting take place?
  • What refreshments are required for the investors?
  • Which members of the business team will be invited?

The answers to the above questions will point you in the right direction. Naturally, this must be followed by sending invites to the investors and advising any relevant team members to clear their schedules on the day. Only then should you think about the content itself.

investor meetings

Step Three: Know What Points Must Be Discussed

 The average board meeting with investors is likely to last for no longer than 2-3 hours. Therefore, you haven’t got time to waste if you want the event to be efficient. No two businesses are the same, but most investor meetings tend to focus on communicating the key points needed to provide investors with the insight they need.

A successful board meeting should cover several key elements:

Company Structure & Progress

This part of the investor board meeting serves to give an update of where the business is currently at financially. It can look at the details of various metrics including recruitment, marketing, acquisitions, market share, etc.

The details of the company’s structure and progress since the last quarterly meeting works in conjunction with the monthly investor updates.

Key Performance Indicators

KPIs can be used as a tool for further analysis of key issues relating to the company progress while they additionally relate to the future strategies that will be made as a team. This ensures that the company remains focused on its priorities.

Net promoter scores (NPIs), employee turnover rate (ETRs), churn rates, customer satisfaction, and sales figures are all good examples.

Future Strategies

Future strategies are developed to build on past successes and eradicate shortcomings to ensure that the company is set to grow. The strategies are usually presented by you and your team while investors have a chance to have their say.

Strategies are devised to underline the company’s direction and ensure that all team members are on the same page.

Risks & Opportunities

Every business faces risks and opportunities. In truth, they are often the most significant feature from an investor’s perspective. They want to know what the potential profits are, as well as where the possible dangers are found.

Predicting obstacles and presenting possible solutions will inspire trust from investors and company board members alike.

Plans of Action

Building strategies and knowing how you will determine potential success is important, but it counts for very little without a definitive plan of action. This sets out exactly what your company will do between now and the next board meeting.

Action speaks louder than words. Proposals could relate to marketing, sales processes, onboarding, or any other issue that pertains to your KPIs.

Step Four: Creating board meeting materials

Knowing what you want to say and what topics must be discussed will provide a platform for success. However, you should also ensure that all investors (as well as team members) are prepared for the meeting and know what to expect too.

Various materials can be used to make this happen, including;


  • A PDF board meeting deck that is sent a few days in advance.
  • A dedicated agenda.
  • Minutes of any previous meetings to serve as a reminder.
  • A digital board meeting presentation that allows investors to follow along.
  • Pre-event welcome video.

While you might not need to use all of the above materials, you will find that most of them are very useful. If nothing else, they give investors a chance to prepare and consider any points they may like to bring up.

holding investor meetings

Step Five: Practicing the Meeting

A successful board meeting should be a collaborative effort that encourages investors to have their say. Nonetheless, your presentation skills and ability to keep the event moving in a positive direction will hold a huge influence on how things progress.

While it might feel a little strange or awkward, you should practice for the event by completing the following steps;


  • Familiarizing yourself with the meeting deck and other materials.
  • Practice any speeches until they flow with ease.
  • Use your tech features and check they are working as expected.
  • Take time to memorize each investor’s name/face.
  • Launch the video conference room and check you can join from another account.

It’s immensely difficult to inspire confidence from the investors if it seems as though you lack confidence in yourself. When you have made the right preparations, covering everything from the content itself to the way you present it, success is assured.

In the meantime, you can find lots of templates to help plan your board packs, right here on willrosellini.com.


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