William Rosellini

Learn From Proven CEOs's mistakes.
Don't Make Them Yourself.

Becoming a CEO is an unbelievably intimidating experience. The stress you have in those first few months is unlike anything you’ll experience in your life. Don’t worry, here are the guides that make being a CEO as easy as as possible. Do you want more help from an experienced mentor who has been in your EXACT same shoes? CEO Launchpad protects you from turning into the stressed CEO who is worried his dream might shatter.

First, the answers to your questions:

  1. To determine how to structure your offering under the securities regulations, see our guide here
    SEC and FINRA Regulatory Considerations
  2. You need to complete a use of proceeds section of the PPM and will have to decide how much to raise, see our guidelines here
    How to decide how much to raise
  3. Once you complete the package above, you will need to bring all of it together into a nice pitch deck, please find an excellent template here.
    Our Ideal Pitch deck template (Google Slides)
  4. If you impress investors, you will need to get from the presentation to closing, make sure you are ready to close.
    Checklist of what to prepare
  5. For a free training on how to be thinking about managing and financing your venture
    Watch video for details

If you want even more help, check-out CEO Launchpad, a program to help you manage and financing your company.

Fixing Everything Incubators Got Wrong.

What are the biggest problems with incubators? First, you spend months of your precious time preparing for a ten minute pitch. Then, they rob you of your equity for an unfair amount of liquid capital.

It is an ABSURD system.

What are your typical alternatives? An MBA course where you might meet some good connections but still spend two weeks doing work that’s only slightly more useful than high school.

Thank God, I had the good fortune of not avoiding Incubators… (But I had my own problems)

Fifteen years ago, I had no idea what I was doing as the CEO of Microtransponder, a company that has gone on to raise nearly $50M in capital.

Back then – we were unbelievably luck to get $10M in financing and grants!

The investors required I attend a monthly Vistage CEO coaching program. It was me and 10 other CEO’s sitting around a table.

They were in control of their lives, businesses, and investors.

While I was hectically SCRAMBLING around trying to stop by business from collapsing and my personal life from being pain… the rest of the table was genuinely happy.

How the hell did they do it?

I had a brief moment of clairvoyance:

“I’m a pretty smart guy. I’m a pretty hard worker. These guys are all older than me. Maybe they just KNOW something I don’t?”

And that coaching taught me that I was right… and the coach and all those other CEO’s had “earned their dues” in the CEO school of hard knocks.

But instead of having to go through BRUTAL months of illiquidity, failed negotiations, and getting screwed over because of not knowing startup law… I got to SKIP straight past all of that.

That coaching gave me the secrets.

And I befriended many of those CEO’s.

They served as mentors, and I’m still on good terms with them up until this day.

Some of the few things I learned were:

  • Tools to help you set strategic plans
  • How you can drive accountability
  • The unfortunate truth about growing sales
  • And… how to maintain a great personal life

After years of using their advice, I refined their practices and combined them with my own experiences. Challenges I’ve overcome include:

  • Determining what your business should be focusing on
  • Whether you should hire engineers or outsource development
  • How the heck do you handle legal issues?
  • Where do you find the money to pay for a top lawyer?
  • And how to modify your schedule to become the best CEO possible every single day

What was I like before the coaching?

Stressed, thinking about the business at every waking second. Worried that my company would collapse and all my dreams would go straight into the trash. Like I wouldn’t be able to possibly learn everything I needed to learn, do all the tasks I needed to do, manage my employees in a way that made us win or raise the capital needed to grow the business.

And after?

I had a LIFELINE to success.

Whenever something happened, I could just call up one of my connections and they would tell me about a similar challenge they were dealing with.

Imagine if you could call your future self on the phone and ask for advice…

That is the coaching did for me.

Fast forward to today and I have developed a powerful combination of skills. I can quickly develop a strategy for most emerging technology companies and then execute.

How does this apply to you?

You can have the high-level knowledge battle-tested CEO’s use to be UNSTOPPABLE.

So, I created a way to transfer the best practices I’ve learned from the last 20 years of running emerging technologies into a program… CEO Launchpad™

And. you get to talk to me too.

CEO Launchpad Teaches You The Skills That Will MAKE or BREAK Your Business

These include:

Raising Capital (I know it sounds impossible, it’s actually very simple)

  • STEP #1: Use the detailed technique to focus on the right things quickly
    STEP #2: Use the templates to quickly fill-in-the blanks
    STEP #3: Raise capital!

A Special Message For the Technical Co-founders Out There

  • Do you have a solution/invention to a HUGE unmet need?
  • Are you willing to learn the business side of the operation, but you just don’t know where to start?

Do NOT give away your shares to MBA’s who claim they can run your business. Treat them like gold and just learn how to talk to investors and run your ship all by yourself.

Don’t know anything about business? That’s an advantage. You can start from scratch with the most high quality information out there.

There’s no BS you need to unlearn and no false misconceptions slowing you down.

You Can use CEO Launchpad to manage and finance your tech startup as if you had decades of experience.

Part #1: Life-Saving Checklists

Professionals who use checklists make less mistakes and spend less time on routine tasks. More importantly, you get to avoid CATASTROPHIC mistakes on those days you haven’t slept and have to make big game time decisions.

It also makes your strategic planning and capital raise process predictable.

If you can follow a process, CEO Launchpad can eliminate the need to learn by your own failures and experiences

E.g. 300-point checklist to align product development, strategic planning and a capital raise to ensure you are working on the right things at the right time ($5000 Value)

Part #2: Money-Saving Templates

Creating documents from scratch is expensive and confusing. Forget about design costs, you wouldn’t believe how quickly lawyers can get.

By using our proven templates, you will save huge amounts of cash and get to avoid the expensive professional fees to finalize your business system and capital raise process.

FYI: If you just spend a few minutes running the numbers you will QUICKLY see that these templates alone make up for the ENTIRE price of the course.

(Estimated $25,000 savings)

Part #3: Be Involved

You don’t have time for a course. They are expensive, waste time, and generic.

What you need is someone with REAL WORLD experience to answer the specific challenges you are dealing with.

Will has launched and financed a number of hi-tech start-ups, he holds 6 graduate degrees and will be available to help you every step of the way.

E.g. Guided coaching on the checklists with Live Q+A weekly with me and a group of like-minded entrepreneurs and instructors who have raised $80M+. ($10,000+ in free consulting)

Those are the biggest items you will get when you join.

But as one of my students said, the best thing about CEO Launchpad™ is that it teaches you EVERYTHING you didn’t know you needed.

There’s so much about being a CEO that you don’t understand until you are in very particular situations AKA when you are dealing with some of the hardest problems out there.

When those challenges are about to punch you in the face, you’ll be happy you can bounce ideas off proven CEO’s.

So for once… you have an easy decision as CEO.

Total Value: $40,000

Price? $1497

Who Should NOT Buy CEO Launchpad™

  • MBA’s who think business school business school taught you everything you need to know
  • Technical co-cofounders who think running a business or raising capital is easy
  • Teams that aren’t willing to RE-EVALUATE orthodox startup practices

It won’t be a good fit nor investment for you guys.

But on the Bright Side… It’s SPECIFICALLY Design for anyone LAUNCHING OR SCALING a tech start up. This is especially true for the following:

  • SaaS founders in fintech, legaltech, govtech, adtech
  • Life science entrepreneurs in medtech, precision medicine, biotech
  • Founders with artificial intelligence, machine learning or robotics solutions to large unmet needs

And because I was once one of you guys, and I really want to help you out, I’ll give you some free BONUSES too…

  • Bonus #1 Customized non-dilutive grant funding analysis ($3500 value) This will unlock millions in non-dilutive grant funding sources, I’ve raised nearly $35M in non-dilutive for my companies and clients.
  • Bonus #2 Customized Investor target listing ($4000 value) I will utilize a custom AI tool to search my database of nearly 10,000 angels, high net worth individuals, family offices and venture capitalists and on completion of the course will personally introduce you to 10 investors.
  • Bonus #3 Access to our private placement memorandum software. Automates your PPM document creation and save you hundreds of hours of work.

Well there it is. If you don’t buy now then there’s not much more I can do. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink 🙂

Hope to see you inside!

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Look. Let’s be honest. You don’t know me (probably), I don’t know you.

Why you should trust me when there is a high chance you have bought a course before from somebody else (who you didn’t know at that time) and it flopped, right?

I decided to take all the risks from your shoulders and give you full 30 days to go through the program.

During this time you can decide if it is worth the price. If not just send us an email to [email protected] and we’ll send you a refund right away!

Understand the Secrets to Raising Capital Today. Instead of a Decade from now.

✅ Even if you are a technical cofounder and not trained in business

✅ Even if you have never raised capital before.

✅ Even if you’ve tried to launch a start-up and failed. (Been there too! Ugh… it was hard. But, please, don’t give up! Try to use CEO Launchpad

“The Best Time to Plant a Tree Was 20 Years Ago. The Second Best Time Is NOW.” ~Chinese Proverb

Now is the time.

Stop Learning… and… Start Earning.

Total Value: $40,000
$1497 right now.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is CEO Launchpad?
This is a 6-week program includes workbooks, checklists, live Q&A calls, and a community of entrepreneurs. It shows you how to raise a seed round, Series A or Series B.

How does it work?

You watch the videos, complete the action items, and use the provided tools and templates. Engage with fellow entrepreneurs by networking and asking questions in the Facebook Group, or on the live Q&A calls. Follow the process and get results.

Who is it for?

This program is for anybody who is running an emerging technology startup and wants to manage the business operations more efficiently while raising capital. CEO Launchpad is designed for technology startup leaders regardless of previous knowledge or experience.

When does it start?

CEO Launchpad is an online on-demand program that starts the moment you enroll. You can complete it in your own time and work through it as fast or slow as you wish. You get lifetime access, so make sure to take advantage of exclusive networking opportunities with fellow entrepreneurs.

Where does it happen?

CEO Launchpad is an online program that consists of training videos, tools, live Q&A calls and a private Facebook Group. You complete the program online, on your own time.

Why does it exist?

We created CEO Launchpad because there was nothing that showed a first-time CEO, inventor, co-founder how to run a tech startup while raising capital simultaneously. We filled that void, and in extreme detail.